Larhotel offers rotating prototype menus (4 weeks), varied and nutritionally balanced.
All meals are prepared and made in our facilities, to meet nutritional needs and personal tastes of the our senior citizens, ensuring compliance with medical prescriptions.


Our menus aim to:

• Promote adequate food consumption of vegetables and fruit groups, due to the wealth of these foods in dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals;

• Adjust caloric intake to energy needs;

• Give preference to healthier cooking techniques (such as baked, grilled, stewed), avoiding fried food;

• Perform 5-6 meals a day, allowing a balanced caloric distribution.


Taking into account the specific eating needs and care of senior citizens, the menus are drawn up with special attention to the following:

• Limiting intake of salt and salty products and excess seasoning;

• Limit intake of sugar and sugary products;

• Consumption of vegetable fats instead of animal fats;

• Eating animal protein of high biological value (milk, eggs, fish and meat) but also vegetable protein (legumes).